
제목 해외국제학교 하이스쿨 합격후기 [인터뷰 집중수업으로 자신만만 유학성공]
작성일자 2023-10-12

This student intensively prepared for her online interview using my guidance and recommendations.

Within this time, we repeatedly practiced the questions and answers in a realistic one-to-one setting.

As well as this, I reviewed the delivery of her answers.

Specifically, she improved her intonation, improvising skills for unexpected questions, use of natural __expression__s, and the steps to achieve goals specification.

From a tutor's perspective, she absolutely  showed determination to pass by asking lots of questions so she could better herself.

Even though she was nervous, she articulated her responses well.

The research about the school and the students attending there was evident. She was a pleasure to teach.  

이용약관 개인정보 취급방침 오시는 길 관리자
  • 상호 아이비어학원대표자 김현찬전화상담 031-717-0596이메일주소 gracekim.ivyedu@gmail.com
  • 주소 경기도 성남시 분당구 황새울로 200번길 34 코포모빌딩 201/202/203호사업자등록번호 121-94-92941 (사업자정보확인)
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